Our Saturdays are spent at Noahs games with the Chiefs! He is a star player. He loves football and you can tell when he plays! His team has been doing pretty good and we are hoping they make it to the playoffs! His first game against the Crenshaw Cougars was victorious! The score was 8-7.
Yesterday's game against the Reseda Buccaneers ended with a 0-0 tie! It was such a fun and exciting game...you'd think we were watching the NFL.
Noah is #7 and a team captain for the day. Here he is at the coin toss.
Zack is not interested in sports, he's pretty laid back and just likes to stick around the house. This weekend, Zack relaxed, hung out with his homies and did some homework.
Today, we had a "lay low" day. It was nice to just kick around the house and chill. I helped Noah with State report that he had to finish up for school. I worked on a Sassy Sisters order, made a yummy dinner and did some laundry.
here's part of an order that I've been working on for one of our regulars.
We are all getting over colds and now we're all beginning to feel better.
Here's Brent waiting for kick off
That's about it for now! Hope you all have a great week.
~The Rancks