Saturday, March 21, 2009

More Eye Candy!

I told I would be back! This time I have more eye candy to delight your eyes! Enjoy...

So what'd you think? I hope you liked them. I have to get back to cleaning...Have a great weekend!


Well, well, well, can you tell, I have been a major blog slacker! February breezed by us in the blink of an eye and now we are 3/4 of the way through March! What do I have to say for myself? I really haven't had much to say or share lately. But, right now, I have quiet time and it's early and the rest of the house is in dreamland. I figured I need to update our blog before everyone starts stirring about. The family has been busy with this and that...the usual, work, school, home and fun on the weekends. I have been been able to squeeze in some creative therapy (WHICH I LOVE) and I was able to make these cards.
I have more cards that I have made. I will scan and post them later on. Now back to family business, I had a meeting with Bryce's counselor a week or so ago and she said he's on course for graduation next year and she wanted to go over his college requirements, which she said that he is 85% there and that he is eligible to get into a State school here in California. He will take the S.A.T in May. In just a month, Bryce will be turning 18! Zack is shy and quiet. However, lately, he's been learning how to play the drums. He's actually pretty good and can carry a beat! Noah is looking forward to Spring break and then Astro Camp with his class after he returns. He is your typical 11 year old, carefree and fun loving. That's about it for now. I'll be back with more of my creations later. Have a great day!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Catch Up Time

I know, I know, it's been awhile. We've had some really awesome weather these past few weeks and we have been out and about enjoying the warm 80 degree temperatures! But, as we all know, good things must come to an end! It has been raining since yesterday, off and on. I happen to enjoy the rain and then the days after a good rain because the air is so clean and crisp! Anyway, I have been wanting to post about a cool gift that I received from my boss for Christmas. I received a Making Memories SLICE die cut machine. It is handheld, cordless and weighs less than 2 lbs. I love it and here is what it looks like~It is one of the coolest gadgets in the scrapbook/card making world. Needless to say, after the holidays, I started working with it. I'm so excited about my SLICE! It cuts cool shapes, flowers, words and alphabets. It came with a memory card that has cute templates on it. You select the template, the size (1 to 4 inches) and tell it to cut away! I made these cards:Thank you card. I SLICED the flower, swirly tag and T-H-A-N-K-S.
Scallop Circle Card. This was all cut with the SLICE. Butterfly Staircase Card. I SLICED the Butterflies. Pretty cute, huh?
Large Scallop Circle Card. I SLICED the scallop circle and the the coordinating circles. This is my favorite. I'll be using this design alot, as well as my new SLICE! So that's enough about my new toy! Work has been busy, busy, busy. The kids have been back in school for two weeks now, they're gearing up for finals next week and then the start of the Spring semester. I'll be back soon for more catch up and slice news, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow! Happy New Year, All! Usually I get a family letter out to our friends and family, but this season, there was no time! After Thanksgiving time really reved up!We had a very nice Christmastime with each weekend in December filled with all the F's...Family, Fun, Friends and flu! Brent's parents and nephew arrived from Norway the first weekend in December. And Corey, Brent's brother arrived the following weekend. It was really great to have them here and hope they come back to the U.S. soon again! Now that things are quieting down and getting back to normal, I thought I would post some pictures from last year!

Have a great day! I'll be posting more stuffs later!