Hi There Folks! It's been awhile, sorry about that. We've had some computer issues...our laptop died and now we only have our desktop (boo). I have to send the laptop out for repairs. Needless to say, the desktop is much slower and older and no fun to post and save anything on. Here's just a peak at all that has gone by...seems like a blur sometimes, but here goes:
Work is work and school is school. All I can say is that we all really need a break. It's a good thing that a 3 day holiday is just around the corner. The boys have been testing, testing, testing and come home from brain overload...they're sleeping by 8:30 most nights. It's good though, they are growing young men, after all. I'm going to try to post some pictures soon.
In April, we celebrated Bryce's 17th Birthday...I remind him everyday about turning 18 and that he only has a few short months til he's accountable for himself. He's really looking forward to driving...We've put that off for just a bit. School keeps him really busy...We just need to find some free time. He will be starting an on-line driver's ed course in the very near future.
Zack is in his last month of middle school. WOW, that's a biggy for us. He's so quiet, I always wonder what's on his mind. But then there are days when I know what's on his mind...he'll let us know (that's for sure). He's so tall and handsome....taller than me and Bryce. He'll be turning 14 in 2 weeks! June 19th, he'll be "culminating" from CHIME MIDDLE SCHOOL. He had a pretty good 8th grade year. I think is best memory of 8th grade was going to the east coast for a week with his class. Another memory for me (and probably him) was getting in trouble because he was caught giving his girlfriend, Courtney, a smooch (puhlease!).
What can I say about Noah, he's 10 and just loves life. He's very witty. Just the other day I was eating an Altoids mint (they'r sort of HOT) and I didn't offer him one. Well, he turned around and asked, why didn't you offer me one? I said, I didn't think you wanted one because they're REALLY hot. Well, he replied, "My middle name is HOT"! I was driving at the time, I cracked up. From now on, we call him Noah HOT Ranck! He caugh me so off guard, all I could say, was Noah, you're such a character. He truly is a comedian. He's also very loving too.
As for Brent & I, we are entertainment directors for the kids (not just ours, but just about all the other kids in the neighborhood), taxi service and a bank. I'm sure all you other parents can relate.
I had a good Mother's Day, quiet and low key...just what I wanted. I received the best love notes from the boys and a nice big hug and smack (on the lips even!). Brent turned 41 on Monday. We ate BBQ at our favorite BBQ joint, Hogly Wogly Tyler Texas BBQ (YUM).
Well folks, like I said, I'll try to post some recent pics that I took recently. Keep checking in for those.
Have a great weekend y'all!